St. Petersburg Woman’s Club has been the gathering place for women to learn, make new friends, laugh with old friends and provide hands-on service to the community since 1913.
The St. Petersburg Woman’s Club (SPWC) began on February 7, 1913 with fourteen members and joined the Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs.
Historical notes say some of the club’s earliest initiatives included getting spittoons added to Central Avenue and a fence built around downtown William’s Park to keep out the wandering cows and hogs.
In 1924 SPWC also joined the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC), still one of the largest women’s volunteer service organizations in the world. That same year they became incorporated so they could own property.
What you see here today is the original dream of those fine ladies dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. Collectively, we are Living the Volunteer Spirit.
Community Outreach
Members of the St. Petersburg Woman’s Club have been reaching out in the community since 1913!
As part of GFWC (General Federation of Women’s Clubs) we offer activities in Arts and Culture, Environment, Civic Engagement and Outreach, Education and Libraries, Health and Wellness.
Some of our more recent projects include:
- Hundreds of handmade neck rolls for Hospice
- Drawstring bags with shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap etc. for children removed from their homes and placed into protective custody (Sallie House)
- Kidney dialysis belts to soften the port entry
- Skull caps for lining the helmets of military in war zones
- Collect & distribute school supplies to kids in September (public schools) & fill stockings for Sallie House and Brookwood Home
- Members volunteer in museums, hospital gift shops, Florida Orchestra Guild Open House, mentor school children and more.
- Collect and donate gently used prom dresses for teen girls
- Collect school supplies and cereal for school children
- Whatever your interest, you can find your niche!
The St. Petersburg Woman’s Club is led by the following people:
- President – Barbara Sundholm – president@stpetersburgwomansclub.org
- VP Programs –
- VP Capital Improvements –
- VP Daily Operations – Cathy Allen
- VP Fundraising –
- VP Membership – Cynthia Guillama – Guillamacynthia@gmail.com
- Finance Officer – Liz Coerver
- Recording Secretary –
- Corresponding Secretary – Cheryl Freeburg
- General Treasurer – Carol Tillis
- Bookings Treasurer – Beth Timberlake
- Chair Arts and Culture –
- Chair Civic Engagement and Outreach –
- Chair Education –
- Chair Environment –
- Chair Health & Wellness –
- Chair Evening Group –
- Newsletter/Yearbook Editor – Carolyn DeFreitas
- Public Relations/Publicity – Josephine Spinelli – SPWCPR@gmail.com
- Social Director – Liz Pacheco
Historic Clubhouse
Our historic clubhouse is a popular venue for weddings, parties, and corporate events. Learn More